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Title: Testing ADCs used in High Speed High resolution Digital Waveform Recorders
Authors: Vora, Santosh C.
Satish, L.
Keywords: ADC
Analog-to-Digital Converter
IEEE 1057 and IEC 61083-1
Static and Dynamic Testing
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 27-Dec-2004
Citation: 13th National Power System Conference, NPSC 2004, IIT, Madras (Chennai), December 27-30, 2004, Page No. 878-883
Series/Report no.: ITFEE007-7
Abstract: Testing and calibration of high speed high - resolution digitizer (I. e. the ADC) used in HV impulse measurements is mandatory as per modern metrology, especially, in intercomparison and reference mesurements, where extremely high levels of accuracies are demaanded. Such testing services are, at the present moment, not being offered in country. Digitizer or oscilloscope manufacturers quete exorbitant prices for providing the same, as in most cases the equipment needs to be sent oversease, also there exists no national standard for such test. Despite this, HV labs in the country use digital impulse measuring systems and, so are compelled to undertake this costly exercise, on expire of the test certificate. This was the prime motivation.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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