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Title: Pharmacokinetic Study Of Progesterone Capsules In Post Menopausal Females Of India Under Fasting Condition
Authors: Panchal, Shital, J
Patel, Jagruti, A
Keywords: Pharmacokinetic
Post menopausal females of India
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: University of Salerno
Abstract: The study was conducted to assess the pharmacokinetics of micronized progesterone administered in the capsule form. Ten post-menopausal females of India, with a mean age of 51.50 years, volunteered to participate in the study. The pharmacokinetics of 200 mg of progesterone evaluated by validated Liquid Chromatography Mass Sepectroscopy-Mass spectroscopy (LCMS-MS) method. After the initial administration of 200 mg, a mean serum Cmax of 3.59±0.66 was reached at a tmax of 3.50±0.59. The terminal half-life (t1/2) was 7.09±2.52. Micronized progesterone given as a capsule is well tolerated, safe and an easily administered. Key Words: Pharmacokinetic, Progesterone, Post menopausal, females of India, LCMS-MS
Description: Pharmacologyonline 3 , 2009, Page No. 1037-1046
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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