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Title: Superior Management Model
Other Titles: "Renewal" Perspective
Authors: Dutta, Swarup Kumar
Keywords: Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper, Management
Management, Faculty Paper
Management Model
Issue Date: Sep-2011
Series/Report no.: SCMS Journal of Indian Management, July - September, 2011
Abstract: The proposition of how companies win at the market place have changed in the 21st century from the concept of pure business models only to the one in which an effective management model is wrapped inside a business model. As such, management model innovation is a key area for busniness success. The paper takes a closer look at how superior management models can be effectively utilized for delivering business success and hence creates renewal in organizations. It effectively cities the case of four types of organizations through a framework to drive the point managerial action.
Description: SCMS Journal of Indian Management, July - September, 2011
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, IM

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