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Title: 316LSS Metal Part by Low Pressure Metal injection Moulding
Authors: Ghetiya, N. D.
Date, P. P.
Keywords: MIM
Paraffin Wax
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 14-Nov-2008
Citation: 3rd national Conference, Thapar University, Patiala, November, 14-15, 2008
Series/Report no.: ITFME020-2
Abstract: The demand by high performance materials that have to support severe service conditions at reasonable cost has been forcing the powder metallurgy to improve constantly. Metal injection moulding is technology capable of producing a new range of components from the powder. This advance technology overcomes the existent limitations in the forming of products with complex geometry. In this work the processing steps for producing metal parts by means of low pressure metal injection moulding technique were investigated. The feedstock of 91.5/8.5 (316L SS powder/ binder) was selected and then was injected successfully at low pressure. The moulded specimens were debinded by solvent debinding followed by thermal debinding methods and were sintered in the vacuum. It was observed that injection moulding of feedstock containing 91.5 %wt 316L SS powder was possible at low pressure and the sintered components were free from defects and dimensional shrinkage was nearly the same in three dimensions.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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