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Title: Phenomenological Modelling of Four-Stroke Compression Ignition Engine Processes with Dissociation Effect
Authors: Makwana, V. M.
Lakdawala, A. M.
Deshpande, S. M.
Keywords: Phenomenological Modeling
Progressive Combustion
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2011
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Citation: 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE-2011, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, December 8-10, 2011
Series/Report no.: ITFME013-3
Abstract: In present work, simulation has been done for four stroke compression ignition engine for Ideal cycle and Progressive combustion. Simulation was modified to Progressive combustion with dissociation effect. Result of Progressive combustion simulation was validated with result available in literature. Plotting of P- and T- diagrams was done for Progressive combustion with dissociation. It was observed that maximum temperature was 3455.30 K, 2824.488 K, 2749.254 K at crank angle in degree 384.77, 381.61, 381.15 for Ideal cycle, Progressive combustion without and with dissociation respectively. Indicated power, Brake power, indicated thermal efficiency and Brake thermal efficiency obtained from the simulation was good in agreement with the literature results for progressive combustion. The difference between present work and literature was 2.51%, 3.02%, 5.24% and 4.73% respectively. It was observed that dissociation phenomenon reduce the temperature after combustion about 75 K to 150 K and maximum dissociation constant was 13.0. Result of Progressive combustion simulation without and with dissociation presented by plotting performance curve. Variation in power, efficiency, mean effective pressure by changing speed are presented in graphical form. Indicated power and Indicated thermal efficiency was compared between results obtained from simulation of Progressive combustion without and with dissociation. It was observed from comparison that the value of Indicated power and Indicated thermal efficiency obtained from simulation of Progressive combustion without and with dissociation was 10.207 kW,10.007 kW and 46.373%, 45.4335% respectively.
ISBN: 978-81-923049-0-8
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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