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Title: Analysis of Test Data Compression Methods Using Huffman Codes
Authors: Bhavsar, Kinjal A.
Mehta, Usha
Keywords: EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 9-Dec-2010
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Citation: 1st International Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE 2010, December 9-11, 2010, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
Series/Report no.: ITFEC010-9
Abstract: This paper presents a compression scheme based on various Huffman coding like selective and optimal Huffman for reducing the amount of test data that must be stored on a tester and transferred to each core in a system-on-a-chip (SOC) during manufacturing test .Results indicate that the using Huffman coding compression ratio high but it required high hardware overhead .In selective Huffman coding reduces decoder size by slightly sacrificing compression ratio. In optimal selective maximize compression ratio
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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