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Title: Reverse Logistics and its Needs: A Review
Authors: Mawandiya, B. K.
Gupta, R. C.
Patel, K. M.
Iyer, V. R.
Keywords: Product Recovery
Reverse Logistics
Supply Chain Management
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 25-Nov-2009
Publisher: Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUCONE-2009, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, November 25-27, 2009
Series/Report no.: ITFME003-2
Abstract: Reverse Logistics has emerged as an indispensable part of modern day supply chains. Manufacturers are finding that their job does not end with completion of sales transaction. In fact, they must deal with an escalating volume of returned, unsold, damaged, end-of-use, and end-of-life products. In recent times, there has been an increased awareness about the economic and environmental benefits associated with the reverse logistics, which have increased the relevance of reverse logistics to the industries and the academia. This paper focuses on issues like: the strategies to be followed for reverse logistics, the importance of reverse logistics in various industries, future trends of reverse logistics and the reverse logistics practices in India.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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