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Title: Design and Optimization of Flyer
Authors: Panchal, Ramakant I.
Keywords: Mechanical 2010
Project Report 2010
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2010
Size Optimization
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MMCC08
Abstract: Textile machinery is one of the fastest evolving area which has an application of mechanical engineering. The modular approach towards the processing right from the stage of cotton to the fabric, allows us to observe the result of each process on its input. Cost and space being the major constraints, there is always a great scope for a mechanical engineer to apply his/her skills to improve the design. To remain competitive in a global market place, manufacturing rm attempts to reduce the cost of the product and make the product technologically more advanced. Flyer is a component of roving machine, which is used as a part of spinning process. In the present work using the application of HyperWorks, the yer arm has been modi ed which saves the material used for manufacturing the yer. The size optimization of the yer is carried out with the objective of reduction in weight under the constraints of standard operating conditions. The new design of the yer is proposed and validated using the module of HyperWorks which is equally strong but light weighted compared to the existing design. Dynamic balancing of optimized model is carried out to align a principle inertia axis with the geometric axis of rotation. For the balanced geometry of yer, air resistance is obtained theoretically and with Gambit and Fluent. Static analysis of the balanced geometry has been done to verify the constraint of operating condition. Comparison of weight, de ection and factor of safety has been made for di erent aluminium alloys.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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