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Title: Cancellation of High Cross-Polarization of an Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna using a Rectangular Matched Feed
Authors: Pujara, D. A.
Chakrabarty, S. B.
Keywords: Cross‑Polarization
Matched Feed
Monopulse Tracking Radar
Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jul-2012
Publisher: IETE
Series/Report no.: ITFEC005-17
Abstract: This paper presents the design and the experimental results of a dual‑mode rectangular‑matched feed. This type of feed cancels the unwanted high cross‑polarization generated by the offset parabolic reflector antenna. In order to design this feed, higher order TE11 mode has been added in correct amplitude and phase with the fundamental TE01 mode in a rectangular structure. The proposed feed was then used as a primary feed to illuminate a linearly polarized offset parabolic reflector antenna. Through experimental results, it is verified that such a feed suppresses the undesired high cross‑polarization introduced by the offset geometry of an offset reflector antenna. This kind of feed is very much suitable for monopulse tracking radar.
Description: IETE Journal of Research, Vol. 58 (4)August 2012, Page No. 317-321
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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