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Title: Role of Technology in the Present Scenario of English Teaching
Authors: Parikh, Krishna A.
Keywords: General Faculty Paper
English Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2012
Citation: 7th International and 43rd Annual ELT@I, 'The English Classroom – Experiments and Experiences', Chennai, July 19-21, 2012
Series/Report no.: IDFGN020-2
Abstract: Teaching is a task that is expected to be creative, innovative and interesting which, in this, 21st Century of technological advancements can be achieved thourgh multiple ways. These ways may very from a person to person. In this age of technically-savvy students, technology as an umbrealla can enhance not only teaching but also the communication and collaboration among the facilitatators and learners. This paper is an attempt to explore the potential of using technology in classrooms through web 2.0. in different forms like blogs, podcasts, social networks, Google docs, e-books, online maps, virtual field trips etc. and their use to make the preocess of teaching more enriching.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, General - IDs

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