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Title: Research Study on Emerging Energy Efficient Technologies in Industrial Field
Authors: Chhaya, Lipi K.
Keywords: Green IT
Green Telecommunication
Zero Carbon Emission Buildings
Green Manufacturing
Green Retailing
Green Chemistry
Smart Grid Technology
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 15-Dec-2011
Citation: International Conference on Environmental Research, SVNIT,Surat, December 15, 2011
Series/Report no.: IDFEC007-8
Abstract: An effective use of energy has become vital to meet the challenges of global warming and fuel insufficiency. To overcome these challenges, the responsibility of industries is significant. Industries can develop green manufacturing, green retailing, green chemistry and smart grid technology. The industries can also develop the use of green telecommunication, heat recovery system, turning organic waste material into energy, heat to steam conversion, waste to energy conversion etc. for energy solutions. Green information and communication technologies can also be developed. Green IT is embarking on a new period of growth by using virtualization, recycling and effective power usage. The zero carbon emanation buildings with self generated power are efficient solutions. Industry uses a large amount of energy to power a diverse range of manufacturing and resource extraction processes. Many industrial processes require large amounts of heat and mechanical power, most of which is delivered as natural gas, petroleum fuels and as an electricity. In addition , some industries generate fuel from waste products that can be used to provide additional energy.Since industrial processes are so diverse , it is impossible to describe the multitude of possible opportunities for energy efficiency in industry. Many depend on the specific technologies and processes in use at each industrial facility. However there are number of processes and energy services that are widely used in many industries. This study describes the importance of energy efficiency in meeting global environment change goals and optimizing energy use.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC - IDs

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