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Title: Survey on TeraHertz wave Imaging and its Applications
Authors: Mahajan, Karuna
Keywords: TeraHertz Pulse Imaging(TPI)
Concealed Weapon Detection(CWD)
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 22-Feb-2013
Citation: Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, February 22-23, 2013
Series/Report no.: IDFEC003-8
Abstract: The development of technology in the THz frequency band has seen rapid progress recently. THz frequency offers greater communications bandwidth than is available at microwave frequencies. The development of sources and detectors for this frequency range has been driven by applications such as spectroscopy, imaging, and impulse ranging. Recently Tera Hertz is becoming popular in security and medical applications such as THz radiation can detect concealed weapons since many non-metallic, non-polar materials are transparent to THz radiation and also this THz radiation possess no health risk for scanning of people. This paper briefly discusses an introduction to THz imaging and explores research possibilities and its possible applications in the security fields and medical fields.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC - IDs

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