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Title: Stress Distribution around Circular/Elliptical/ Triangular Holes in Infinite Composite Plate
Authors: Sharma, D. S.
Keywords: Composites
Failure Criteria
Stress Concentration Factors
Stress Functions
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Feb-2012
Series/Report no.: ITFME007-10
Abstract: General Stress Functions for determining the Stress Concentration around Circular, elliptical and triangular Cutouts in laminated Composite infinite plate subjected to arbitrary biaxial loading at infinity are obtained using Muskhelishvili's Complex Variable Method. The generalized stress functions are coded using MATLAB and the effect of fiber orientation, taking Sequence, Loading angel and cutout geometry on stress concentration around cutouts in orthotropic / anisotropic plates is Studied. Some of the Result are compared with existing literature and finite element Solutions.
Description: Engineering Letters Vol. 20 (1) February 2012
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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