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Title: The Atmospheric Pressure in Dry Region and Velocity of Infiltered Water in Ground Water Infiltration Phenomenon
Authors: Parikh, Amit K.
Mehta, M. N.
Pradhan, V. H.
Patel, K. R.
Keywords: Infiltration
Darcy’s law
Mathematics and Humanities Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Maths Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2011
Series/Report no.: ITFMT003-2
Abstract: The non-linear partial differential equation of groundwater infiltration has been solved with appropriate boundary conditions and height of water mound is obtained in form of error function. The atmospheric pressure in air of the dry region have been obtained by using height of water mound and then the velocity of infiltered water have been obtained by using of Darcy’s law. The graphical presentation is given by using MAT LAB coding.
Description: International Journal of Appl. Maths and Mech Vol. 7 (13) April, 2011, Page No. 77-90
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Mathematics and Humanities

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