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Title: Selection of Lubricant in Machining using Multiple Attribute Decision Making Technique
Authors: Makhesana, M. A.
Keywords: Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2013
Citation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques (AEOTIT), July 1- 3, 2013, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat – 395 007, Gujarat, India, Page No. 205 - 210
Series/Report no.: ITFME044-1
Abstract: The main objective of this work is to select a best suitable lubricant from among a number of lubricants available for machining of alloy steel with tungsten carbide insert tool by using multiple attribute decision making technique. The selection procedure of right lubricant is based on the PROMETHEE method. The manufacturing organization has to select right manufacturing methods, product and process designs, manufacturing technologies, materials, lubricants, machinery and equipment. The selection decisions become more complicated as the decision makers in the manufacturing environment have to choose a best possible option by considering large number of alternatives based on a set of conflicting criteria. To aid these selection processes, various multiple attribute decision making methods are now available. Preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation is one of the technique which helps to find out the best solution among available options. The factors affecting the lubricant selection are first identified and that are cutting force during machining, surface roughness, rate of tool wear and temperature at work tool interface. The aim of multiple attribute decision making technique is to combine different measures in to a single lubricant matrix which helps to select best suitable lubricant and rank the lubricants for alloy steel machining operation.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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