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Title: Study on Wheat Gluten Biopolymer: a Novel Way to Eradicate Plastic Waste
Authors: Patni, Neha
Yadava, Pujita
Agrawal, Anisha
Maroo, Vyoma
Keywords: Wheat Gluten
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Series/Report no.: ITFCH021-7
Abstract: The nonrenewable sources are limited and environmental concerns are increasing regarding the waste from plastics. Hence biodegradable materials made from renewable agricultural resources such as carbohydrates, starch, proteins are attracting much attention for sustainable development and environmental conservation. Plant proteins from wheat show the advantage for usage as films and plastics because of their abundant resources, low cost, good biodegradability and suitable properties like rheological, water sensitivity, sound absorption, thermal behaviour etc. An extensive review of the existing literature reveals that wheat gluten (WG) based bioplastics are non toxics and fully biodegradable, hence in this review various plasticizers and cross-linking agents have been looked upon and their effect on properties studied. Thus, WG based biopolymer poses to be a promising substitute to petroleum based plastics.
Description: Indian Journal Of Applied Research, Vol. 3 (8), August, 2013, Page No. 253 – 255
ISSN: 2249-555X
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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