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Title: Analysis and Characterization of Different Voltage Follower Topologies in 90 nm Technology
Authors: Aseem, Jaymeen
Padaliya, Jay
Savani, Vijay G.
Keywords: Voltage Gain
Output Impedance
Output Voltage Swing
Power Dissipation
Threshold Voltage
Deep-sub Micron Technology
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Dec-2012
Publisher: IJETAE
Series/Report no.: ITFEC024-5
Abstract: Voltage Follower is one of the most important analog circuits required in many analog integrated circuits. It is used for the impedance matching between high impedance circuits and low impedance circuits. The design of voltage follower becomes an important issue when technology is scaled down. Due to the non-linear behavior of threshold voltage (VT) when technology is scaled down, performance of voltage follower is affected. Many versions of voltage followers have been proposed to achieve desirable output in sub-micron and deep sub-micron technologies. The selection of particular topology is dependent upon the requirements and application. In this paper, we have shown the implementation of different topologies in 90 nm technology using the Mentor Graphics Tool. We have done the pre-layout simulation of three different topologies. We have designed these circuits using ICstudio tool and analyzed their output impedance, voltage gain and power dissipation. We have prepared a comparative analysis about them.
Description: International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 2 (12), December, 2012, Page No. 229 – 235
ISSN: 2250-2459
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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