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Title: VCO and PLL Frequency Synthesizer Discrete Designs for 0.3 – 2.4 GHz Local Oscillator of a Radio Operating Over Wide Frequencies
Authors: Naik, Mehul R.
Vithalan, C. H.
Keywords: Local Oscillator
Phase Noise
Phase-locked Loop
Software-defined Radio
Voltage Controlled Oscillator
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Darshan Institute of Engg. & Tech
Series/Report no.: ITFEC029-5
Abstract: The transceivers used in the software defined radio require designing wideband RF hardware covering octave bands. The local oscillator of the mixer should be a wideband frequency synthesizer. Building on the theory of oscillations in the voltage controlled oscillator, the paper presents the concept of negative resistance in the transistor circuit with some inductance at the base. It also provides simulation of this concept. The functioning of the phase-locked loop and how it can be used to synthesize various frequencies in local oscillator is discussed with emphasis on design tradeoffs. Applying the theory and simulation, four different VCO circuits were designed and fabricated for the range covering 300 to 2400 MHz. These VCOs were later used in the design of wideband PLL frequency synthesizer. The results including very good phase noise performance are presented. This approach can be used to design wideband synthesizers used in software defined radio of the base stations in mobile communication.
Description: International Journal Of Darshan Institute On Engineering Research & Emerging Technologies, Vol. 2 (1), 2013, Page No. 43 - 51
ISSN: 2320-7590
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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