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Title: Static and Dynamic Balancing Using FFT Analyzer
Authors: Patel, Dhaval V.
Bhojawala, V. M.
Shah, Shrinil
Vala, Alpesh
Vaghela, Tejas
Keywords: FFT Analyzer
Static and Dynamic Balancing
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 19-Dec-2013
Citation: International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICATET - 2013), December 19 - 20, 2013
Series/Report no.: ITFME034-3
Abstract: Rotating Machinery are the building blocks of the industries of today like refineries, power plants, process industries and many more, Machine faults such as unbalance, shaft misalignment, bearing defects, mechanical looseness etc.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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