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Title: Workload Characterization on Android Based Intel Devices
Authors: Shah, Komal
Keywords: EC 2012
Project Report
Project Report 2012
EC Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MECC25;
Abstract: Smart-phones, tablets, portable handheld devices are used for prolonged periods without being connected to a power supply. For these devices, end goal is to achieve highest performance with lowest power consumption. So, Energy Efficiency is important in the smart phone world. This project explores few challenges to increase the performance of these devices in order to be competitive by characterizing different workloads. It presents recommendation for Atom LFM. It also explores HW rendering v/s SW rendering for Graphics benchmark. As a case study, the project presents about graphics benchmark characterization with display resolution in order to reach a conclusion of how it affects the performance and which is the best resolution to choose. Performance and power evaluation play a critical role in the architecture analysis of any platform. Architects needs platform model to check how the new feature or how an optimization will impact on power and performance. Although, there are several simulation approaches for Architectural analysis, starting from Cycle Accurate simulators for detailed modelling to high level Spreadsheets for quick analysis, there remains a significant gap to analyze real world \Use-Cases" at SYSTEM level and appropriately co-design HW/SW for optimal Power/Performance. This project describes a high level SYSTEM approach to abstract the Use-Case into a set of Task Flows running over a topology of IP blocks. Task flow approach eliminates dependency on functional models that are needed for Virtual Platform simulations and enables faster evaluation of Architectural studies. Key trade of in Task Flow approach is between ability to run actual application binaries v/s speed with application flow represented by a Task Flow based on SW spec. This project presents the Task Flow approach for VPB (Video Playback) Use-Case on Android based Intel smart phone and correlation of simulation results with measured to validate the accuracy and correctness of such approach and tool.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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