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dc.contributor.authorDesai, Saumil-
dc.contributor.authorSheth, Saurin-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference On “Mechanical, Material, Industrial, Automotive, Aeronautical And Nanotechnology, MIANT-2015, Krishi Sanskriti” and Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), 2015en_US
dc.description.abstractCentrifugal casting has been used for obtaining cylindrical parts with axisymmetry. The quality of tubular parts obtained during centrifugal casting process is strongly effected by process parameters like pouring temperature, rotational speed of the mould, pre heat temperature of the mould, pouring rate of molten metal and selection of proper material to be cast. The paper concerns to the study and proposed designs of horizontal centrifugal casting machine to produce bearing of steam turbine. The turbine bearing has dimensions: Diameter =1200 mm, Length =700 mm, Maximum weight of bearing =3000 kg and mold speeds before and after rotation are 10 RPM and 350 RPM respectively. Reliable technique to manufacture such dimensioned bearing is Centrifugal casting with controlled metal pouring. Depending on length to diameter ratio, the vertical casting machine is preferred to produce bearing of turbine. However, in vertical centrifugal casting, there is a tendency of molten metal to form a parabolic shaped under combined effect of gravitational and centrifugal forces. So, designs are proposed in form of drawings for dual faceplate centrifugal casting equipment which is horizontally aligned.en_US
dc.subjectMechanical Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleStudy and Proposed Design of Centrifugal Casting Machine for Manufacturing of Turbine Bearingen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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