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Title: Investigation and Solution of Repetitive Failure of Connecting Rod
Authors: Prajapati, Hiren
Makwana, Rudresh
Patel, Punit
Keywords: Reciprocating Air Compressor
Connecting Rod
Structural Analysis
Modal Analysis
Natural Frequency
Operating/Excitation Frequency
Design for Rigidity
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: IJRSI
Citation: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Practice, ICMRP 2014, Research and Scientific Innovation Society, IJRSI, Vol. 1 (8), November, 2014, Page No. 488 - 489
Series/Report no.: ITFME050-1;
Abstract: The connecting rod is a link which connect the piston and crankshaft in reciprocating engines and transfer the push and pull from piston to crankshaft or vice versa. This paper discusses the case of connecting rod of 5 HP reciprocating air compressor. Repetitive failure of connecting rod was observed and it was diagnosed. Strength base analysis and modal analysis were done. It was found that failure occurred due to resonance. Analysis were carried out with change in material and solution was achieved.
Description: IJRSI, Vol. 1 (8), November, 2014, Page No. 295 – 297
ISSN: 2321-2705
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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