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Title: Consumer Interface for Smart grid Paradigm
Authors: Iyer, Rohini
Pandya, Hemang
Keywords: Periodic Alerts
Energy Consumption
Micro Controller
Smart Interface
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 24-Jan-2015
Citation: International conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO-2015, IEEE), Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Vishakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh, January 24 - 25, 2015
Series/Report no.: ITFEE038-3;
Abstract: Energy consumption poses a major challenge for energy producers and energy consumers. Consumer require to monitor consumption, various data such as real power, apparent power, power factor etc. at regular intervals and also gets periodic alerts regarding consumption preset threshold. This paper provides a hardware demonstration of smart interface for consumers between home and utility using microcontroller and LabView.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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