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Title: Prediction of Dispersion Model for Chlorine Release Using Open Source Software
Authors: Dohare, Sameer Kumar
Patel, Ronak
Keywords: Toxic Gas Release
Water Treatment
Health and Safety
Disaster Management Plan
Air Dispersion Model
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 6-Mar-2014
Citation: All India Seminar on "Hazards in Chemical Industry, Technology, Prevention and Remedies", Institute of Engineers, India- Gujarat State Center, March 6 - 7, 2014
Series/Report no.: ITFCH034-4;
Abstract: Understanding the behavior of toxic gas release due to chemical accidents is important for health and safety of personnel as well as its effect on environment. India is on its mission to be a developed country by year 2020, environmental issues are the one of the constraints headed towards it. Increase in per capita water consumption requires more water treatment plants to fulfill the demand. Chlorine is being used as a disinfectant in water treatment plants. Chlorine can be added to drinking water in the form of chlorine gas, chloramine, chlorine dioxide, etc. It may have adverse effects on personnel and environment, as it causes severe respiratory tract, eye, and skin burns. There is also chance of fire hazard, as it causes fire when it comes in contact with combustible materials. The proper safety measures were always taken into consideration while handling of chlorine gas. But there is always a chance of accidental release of chlorine gas. By proactive approach for the accidents, we can minimize the effects of toxic gas release by taking appropriate measures. Air dispersion model is used for prediction of chlorine gas cloud. It helps to identify the possible affected zone and to predict consequence on personnel and environment. Therefore determination of air dispersion of chlorine by computational tool is strongly desired. “ALOHA” can be considered for the prediction of air dispersion model. This software helps user to identify toxic threat zone created by sudden release of chlorine gas, which can be taken into consideration for health and safety plans. Proper antidotes as well as communication system can reduce its effect on personnel. By the same methodology we can predict the gas cloud of any other toxic gas and take the preaccidental measures to reduce its effect.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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