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Title: Optimization And Characterization Of Rapidly Dissolving Films Of Cetirizine Hydrochloride Using Cyclodextrins For Taste Masking
Authors: Mishra, Renuka
Amin, Avani
Keywords: Rapidly Dissolving Films
Cetirizine Hydrochloride
Taste Masking
Factorial Design.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Spinx Knowledge House
Series/Report no.: IPFP0154
Abstract: Cyclodextrin and its derivatives were used as taste masking agents for the preparation of rapidly dissolving films of Cetirizine hydrochloride. The films were evaluated for drug content, thickness, tensile strength, % elongation and elastic modulus, in-vitro and in-vivo disintegration studies, in-vitro dissolution studies and surface morphology. The films were also tested for complex formation using Differential scanning calorimetry and X ray diffraction study. A 32 full factorial design was utilized to study the effect of 2 independent variables i.e. amount of HPMC E3 LV (X1) and amount of PEG 400 (X2) on responses in-vitro disintegration time and mechanical properties. Optimized batch A1 possessed in-vitro disintegration time 67.5 s, 17.7 N/mm2 tensile strength, 50.2 % elongation and 274.2 N/mm2 elastic modulus.
Description: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology & Research,5(2) 536-552 Apr-June 2013
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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