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Title: Analysis on Electromagnetic Repulsion force for Enhancement in Repulsion Threshold Current (Irp) of Contact System of 250 A Frame MCCB
Authors: Mehta, Hardik
Keywords: Electrical 2013
Project Report 2013
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
EPS 2013
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MEEE08;
Abstract: In this project, analysis on electromagnetic repulsion force for enhancement in repulsion threshold current in MCCB. Current flow between moving contact and fixed contact are repulsive nature due to structure of contact system. Due to current concentration, magnetic flux density between two contacts produces electromagnetic repulsion force. Repulsion force acting to separate contacts. This project will be initiated by carrying out detailed study of the factors and design constraints related to Irp of the MCCB. Present design will be analysed on FEA tools like JMAG/ANSYS Maxwell 3D to find out limitation in present design. Based on the finding of detailed study and simulation results new concepts for contact system of the MCCB will generated. Concepts will be developed in Pro-E software for improvement in Irp. Proposed concept will be finalized by simulation on JMAG/ ANSYS Maxwell 3D software and mathematical modelling. Prototypes of the selected concept will practically validated on MCCB. After successful completion of design validation, proposed design will be freezed for improvement as mentioned in the title.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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