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Title: Development of CAD Checks for Validating Library Views and its Reporting
Authors: Pandya, Kinjal
Keywords: Computer 2014
Project Report 2014
Computer Project Report
Project Report
INS 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MCEI13;
Abstract: Electronic devices that we are using in our day to day life are composed of several chips, which is Fixed inside these devices for their proper functioning. This chip is a combination of different programmable logic gates, memories, ip- ops, registers and latches. Library is a collection of cells and Logic gates that are fabricated onto the chip. This project is related to development of Plugins for automation of validation of libraries which are the Intellectual Property. These libraries represent design data of cells, transistor level design and timing information, actual mask level design that will be integrated and fabricated on a chip. The automation requires plugins to validate different views of a library under test. These plugin checks different views of library and each and every cell and macros of a library. So in my project, I had implemented scripts of Plugins(Syntax Check, Cross Check, Modelization, Mat10-Bbview) that can validate the different views of the libraries. In S T Microelectronics we are using one framework, IPScreen software that provides GUI for loading different plugins, but in this project we are developing new architecture that will overcome all the limitations of IPScreen software. Plugin contains all the automated scripts required for validating library views. SO in this new architecture my task was to implement scripts for SyntaxCheck and Modelization Plugins and to implement "Report Generation" Module.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (INS)

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