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dc.contributor.authorRaiyani, Sunil-
dc.contributor.authorMorbia, Urmi-
dc.contributor.authorKaranjiya, Purvi-
dc.identifier.citation7th National Conference on Emerging Vistas of Technology of 21st Century – 2016, Parul University, Baroda. Page No. 77 - 80en_US
dc.description.abstractBiofiber in concrete has opened up a new window for the green technology and helped with an increased tension, compression strength and reduced sudden failure of concrete but with little disadvantage of bonding between a concrete matrix and biofiber and durability of concrete. The present paper mainly concentrate on bonding between concrete complex and sida cordifolia biofiber and material characteristics of biofiber reinforced concrete, have been analyzed by the XRD & SEM. X – Ray diffraction analysis had been done on both plain concrete and biofibers reinforced concrete to know how the biofiber act with concrete complex during the whole hydration process and gain the bonding and extra ductility. Comparative study on plain concrete and biofiber reinforced concrete done for identification of phases present in the plain concrete as well as in biofiber reinforced concrete. This analysis reveals that bonding and tensile nature of concrete increases by incorporating biofibers. During investigation minerals found are calcite (CaCO3), quartz or silica (SiO2), sucrose and fluorite (CaF2). The bonding between concrete and fiber, morphology of the structure is studied using scanning electron microscope and it shows the optimum length is available for proper bonding between the concrete matrix and fiber and it also reveals that biofibers can be used as homogeneous reinforcement in a concrete matrix.en_US
dc.subjectSida Cordifoliaen_US
dc.subjectXRD and Natural Fibersen_US
dc.subjectChemical Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleXRD and SEM Analysis of Bio-Fiber Reinforced Concreteen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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