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dc.contributor.authorDegada, Amit-
dc.contributor.authorSavani, Vijay-
dc.identifier.citation5th International Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE - 2015, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, November 26 – 28, 2015en_US
dc.description.abstractIn India, Primary Health Centre (PHC) were established to provide accessible, affordable and available first line health services. There are 23,109 PHCs in India and Under the National Rural Health Mission (NHRM) the Government is upgrading all the PHCs. Due to shortage of human resources, PHC system largely depends on “referral system”, which in turn relies heavily on communication and transportation infrastructure. Communication and transportation put an upper limit on health care delivery to patient and some time it may cause casualties in remote areas. Development of Low cost Biomedical Sensors, Low cost Portable Embedded System, Internet and Smart phone based Telemedicine System may offer the opportunity to alleviate the health care system efficiency by number of application viz. data collection, chronic patient surveillance, to control the therapeutic procedure etc. This paper presents the work of design and implementation of low cost telemedicine system, which integrates the sensing, storage and broadcasting of various biomedical parameters of patient using low cost low weight and accurate biomedical sensors, BeagleBone Black as a computing unit and various softwares viz. Linux, Apace Server, MySQL and PHP. Implemented system is compared with various existing available biomedical sensors.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabaden_US
dc.subjectEmbedded Systemen_US
dc.subjectBeagleBone Blacken_US
dc.subjectBiomedical Sensorsen_US
dc.subjectRemote Accessen_US
dc.subjectInformation and Communication Technologyen_US
dc.subjectEC Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleDesign and Implementation of Low Cost, Portable Telemedicine System: An Embedded Technology and ICT Approachen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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