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Title: Stress Concentration Around Circular/ Elliptical Hole In Finite Composite Plate
Authors: Chauhan, Mihir
Sharma, Dharmendra
Dave, Jatin
Keywords: Boundary Collocation method
Complex Variable
Finite Plates
Stress Concentration Factor
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 5-Dec-2012
Citation: 3rd Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures, IIT, Delhi, December 5 - 8, 2012
Series/Report no.: ITFME025-4;
Abstract: In the present study, the stress concentration around a circular/ elliptical hole in a finite composite plate subjected to in-plane loading is presented. Stresses around the holes are derived in terms of Muskhelishvili’s complex stress functions. The stress functions are represented in terms of the series of complex variables. The constants of the series are obtained by using least square boundary collocation method. Effect of various parameters like material properties, ply angles, stacking sequence and size of plate on stress concentration is studied. Results obtained are compared with the existing literature.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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