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Title: Analysing Emotional Impact of Sales Promotion on FMCG Products Purchase
Authors: Shah, Tejas R.
Keywords: Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper, Management
Management, Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2017
Publisher: JIMS8M : The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy
Abstract: Sales promotions are executed to give emphasis on making consumers to take action. This can be act of purchase, purchase in big amount, invoke impulse purchase or spread the word of promotion. Sales promotions help brands to achieve short term spike in sales, it is often referred to as incremental sales attributed to sales promotion. When an individual comes across sales promotion, particularly in the field of FMCG products, there is establishment of connection between item under promotion and the individual. This paper analyzes emotional impact of sales promotion, whether it positively or negatively impacts the promotion and its short term impact on sales of a product. With the application of Factor Analysis this paper gives the important factors to act upon by manufacturers pertaining to emotion as construct and with the application of multiple regression analysis. This paper elucidates specific emotions and tools that create these emotions as well as their impact on overall act of purchase. This study takes into consideration managerial impact of emotion as a construct on act of purchase while sales promotion is getting executed.
Description: JIMS8M : The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy, Vol. 22 (4) January, 2017
ISSN: 0973-9335
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, IM

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