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Title: Design, Development and Testing of IoT Gateway
Authors: Chavda, Kartik
Keywords: EC 2017
Project Report
Project Report 2017
EC Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2017
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2019
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 17MECC17;
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is the most advancing technology worldwide. IoT is the technology which can connect and control physical devices remotely with the help of Internet. IoT architectural layers are sensing layer, networking layer, data processing layer and application layer. The architecture components of IoT are sensors, actuators, gateways, processing units (microcontroller or microprocessors) and cloud server. IoT gateway can be used to provide Internet connectivity to any non-IP devices. IoT gateway are connection points between devices connected using personal area network standards and the Internet.In this project, a gateway for IoT is designed, developed and tested. A hardware setup consisting of IoT gateway, end-device consisting of sensor for environmental monitoring and an end-device consisting of actuator is developed. The sensor data is send to cloud services like Google firebase, Amazon Web Services (AWS) for monitoring on mobile and on workstation. The gateway is developed using ESP8266 having Wi-Fi connectivity and Raspberry Pi development boards having both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a lightweight, low-bandwidth, high-latency application layer protocol. MQTT protocol uses the main two things, Broker and Client. Eclipse mosquito is open MQTT broker and Eclipse paho is an MQTT client that can be used on a number of hardware platforms. The operating system used for the ESP8266 gateway is Mongoose Operating System (OS) and for Raspberry Pi (RPi) based gateway Raspbian stretch is used for the gateway developed. AWS and Google firebase are used as the cloud service for the gateway that is designed in the project. Device gateways share their data to the various clouds like Google firebase, Amazon AWS IoT. Mobile Application like Blynk and MQTT dashboard is used for mobile and workstation based remote control and monitoring of the devices. A customized Mobile application is also developed with MIT App Inventor for device control and monitoring. MQTT lens used is used for monitoring and control of devices through workstation. The entire hardware setup is successfully tested.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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