Browsing by Subject 04MCE

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
04MCE002.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Buffer Creation for GISGujar, Archana
04MCE020.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design and Development of Software Interface for Multi-Door Access Control SystemSheladiya, Anita
04mce015.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design and Implementation of SIP Based Embedded VoIP PhonePatel, Vipul A.
04MCE007.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Development of Grid Aero Mobile Data Communication Protocol for Disaster ManagementParikh, Hardik
04MCE006.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006FTP Application Development of UDP Based Transport Protocol for Satellite Based Grid TechnologyMehta, Pravina
04MCE021.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006GridTCP Performance Enhancement and Interfacing with Data Transfer AgentWadhwa, Kailash B.
04mce016.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Implementation and Optimization of H.323 Protocol Application for Embedded VoIP PhonePatel, Vipul
04mce013_final.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Implementation of Hardware Simulator in FPGA for X-Ray Dectection PayloadPatel, Rutul
04mce019.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Implementation of VoIP GatewayShah, Tejas
04mce001.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Implementing Computational Grid and Measure Its ThroughputAnand, Hitesh
04MCE009.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Intersection and Union Overlays for GISPatel, Keyur
04mce018.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Kernel and File System Optimization for Embedded VoIP PhoneShah, Ragin
04MCE017.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Network Analyst for GISRathore, Neha
04mce003.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Quality of Service in 802.11 Networks: Performance Analysis of the 802.11 Distributed Coordination FunctionGupta, Manish
04MCE008.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Satellite Grid Resource ManagementParikh, Jimit
04mce012.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Semi - Automatic and Automatic Vectorization of Raster ImagesPatel, Ruchi
04mce014.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006VoIP Over Wireless LANPatel, Upendra