Browsing by Subject EC 2004

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
04MEC006.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Certification of Standard Cells Libraries for Sub-Micron VLSI CircuitsApurva, Chaure H.
04MEC014.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design and Development of IP-Core of FET for FPGANaik, Amisha P.
04MEC012.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design and Implementation of Discrete Cosine Transform Architecture BlocksMaheshwari, Dipti
04MEC018.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design and Implementation of Distributed Arithmetic Based FIR FilterThaker, Pinakin P.
04MEC010.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design and Implementation of Morphological Operations for Image Processing ApplicationsKapadia, Payal Rohit
04MEC016.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Ethernet MAC ReceiverRajput, Amit Singh
04MEC009.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006FPGA Based Implementation Of Hearing Aid Digital FilterGoyel, Pradip Kumar
04MEC002.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006FPGA Based Signal Processing System for Ultrasnography ImagingAgarwal, Vijay
04MEC007.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006High Speed BIST Architecture for Embedded SRAMFultaria, Jatin
04MEC008.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform Using Lifting StructureKumar, G. Kiran
04mec013.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Implementation of Message Passing Algorithm for LDPC CodesReddy, Malipeddi Sudhir
04MEC020.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006PCI Target Interface Core Revision 2.2Valandas, Vijay Kumar
04MEC011.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006RTL Design Of DDR SDRAM ControllerKhan, Firoz
04MEC017.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006RTL Design of DDR2 SDRAM ControllerSaxena, Anmol Sahay
04MEC019.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006RTL Design of USB 2.0 Transceiver MacrocellWaghela, Harish
04MEC005.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Study and Implementation of BIST for 65NM High Speed MemoryChoubey, Keerti
04MEC004.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Study and Implementation of CMOS IO's for Sub Micron VLSI CircuitsBhargava, Tripti
04MEC001.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Study and Implementation of CMOS IO's for Sub Micron VLSI CircuitsAgarwal, Pankaj