Browsing by Subject EC 2022

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2024ADC IP Block Design And VerificationDarji, Sachin
1-Jun-2024Advanced Memory BIST Implementation and validation for complex SOC DesignMakwana, Kaushik
1-Jun-2024Advancing Quality Assurance in PDK Custom Kit through the Development of a flowKhokhara, Deep
1-Jun-2024Advancing Smart Home Connectivity: Integrating Matter Protocol for Enhanced SecurityRonvelia, Bhavikkumar
1-Jun-2024Analysis of Formal Verification Methods on FPGA Products at SOC levelJoshi, Chirag
1-Jun-2024Analysis Of WLAN IEEE Standard 802.11N Over Legacy Wi-Fi StandardsDabhi, Hardik
1-Jun-2024Automatic Constraint Development and Validation for an IPSingh, Amartya
1-Jun-2024Automation of Serial CommunicationJulasana, Dhavalkumar Dineshbhai
1-Jun-2024AXI3 Protocol VIP DevelopmentMevada, Nikul
1-Jun-2024Bluetooth Profiles Validation and Quality AssuranceKaur, Amandeep
1-Jun-2024Bluetooth Protocol and Profile Validation on Linux, Android, FreeRTOS and Zephyr OSShaikh, Aayrin M.
1-Jun-2024A Comprehensive Automation Approach with Jenkins for ARM-based CPU VerificationSahay, Nishant
1-Jun-2024Design and Functional Verification of Mixed-Signal Memory Sub-SystemThakkar, Kushkumar Nareshkumar
1-Jun-2024Development of Embedded AI Applications & ToolchainPrajapati, Dhruvil
1-Jun-2024Development of Functional Safety Middleware Library for Arm Cortex-M4 and Arm Cortex-M7 Based Soc.Modi, Divy
1-Jun-2024GPU Debugging Tool - GPU SnapShotParmar, Aniruddhsinh
1-Jun-2024Hybrid Validation of DDR-PHYDave, Harsh
1-Jun-2024IEEE 802.11 WLAN ValidationSoni, Dhaval
1-Jun-2024Implementation of Level Shifters ArchitectureMehta, Karan P.
1-Jun-2024Improving Overall Power of a SoC Block using APR TechniquesKotadia, Pranav