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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
TT000082.pdf.jpg2018Analysis and Design of High Speed Low Offset Power Efficient Dynamic CMOS Comparator in 180nm TechnologyGandhi, Priyeshkumar Pratapbhai
TT000086.pdf.jpgDec-2019Bandwidth Enhancement of Dielectric Resonator Antennas using Stacked and Fractal GeometriesTrivedi, Kedar
TT000101.pdf.jpgJun-2020Countermeasures against Test Infrastructure based attacks on AES Circuits and TrojansPopat, Jayesh
TT000035.pdf.jpg2015Cross Layer Protocols and Architecture for Wireless Sensor NetworksGajjar, Sachin
TT000097.pdf.jpgJul-2019Design and Development of Higher Order Subharmonic MixersSingh, Shailendra
TT000085.pdf.jpgFeb-2019Design and Development of Microwave Interferometer and Reflectometer Systems for Plasma Diagnostics in TokamakAtrey, Praveen Kumar
TT000100.pdf.jpgJun-2021Design and Implementation of a Low-noise Low-power Bio-potential Amplifier For Biomedical ApplicationsAdesara, Ankit Mukeshbhai
TT000025.pdf.jpgDec-2014Design and Implementation of CMOS Gm-C IF Filter Using Switching Capacitor Array For Dual Band ReceiverShah, Kehul A.
13EXTPHDE107.pdf.jpgDec-2022Design for Non-Linearity Improvement of Current Steering Digital to Analog Convertor for Biomedical ApplicationsPatel, Jayeshkumar J
TT000069.pdf.jpg2018Design of a Low Voltage, Low Power and High Speed CMOS ComparatorSavani, Vijay Gopalbhai
TT000068.pdf.jpg2018Design of High Performance Low Noise AmplifierMecwan, Akash Isudas
TT000039.pdf.jpgOct-2015Development, Simulation and Analysis of Resource Allocation Techniques for Cooperative Wireless NetworkUpadhyay, Manisha
TT000026.pdf.jpgApr-2015Goodness of Fit Based Non-parametric Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive RadioPatel, Dhaval K.
TT000116.pdf.jpgFeb-2022Investigation and Forecasting of Variation in Ionospheric TEC in the Equatorial RegionNarayan, Iyer Sumitra
TT000055.pdf.jpgNov-2017Investigation of Free Space Optical Link Performance with Wavelength Diversity under Different Turbulence ConditionsShah, Dhaval Gopalchandra
TT000081.pdf.jpg2018Investigations on Low Activation RF MEMS Shunt SwitchesBhatasana, Piyushkumar Maganlal
TT000001.pdf.jpgAug-2010Investigations on Low Cross Polarized Antenna Systems at Microwave FrequenciesPujara, Dhaval Kumar
TT000013.pdf.jpgFeb-2012Investigations on Multifunctional Microstrip Radiators in Association with Optimum Feeding TechniquesSood, Khagindra Kumar
TT000056.pdf.jpgSep-2017Investigations on Optimization of Antenna Parameters using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference SystemGehani, Aarti Kishor
TT000074.pdf.jpg2018Investigations on Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Monopole Antennas for Spectrum MonitoringSingh, Ravindra Kumar