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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFIT002-9.pdf.jpg2015Analyzing the Performance of Centralized Clustering Techniques for Realistic Wireless Sensor Network TopologiesRaval, Gaurang; Bhavsar, Madhuri; Patel, Nitin
TT000027.pdf.jpgMar-2015Enhancing Base Station Assisted Clustering Techniques in Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurangkumar Amrutlal
ITFIT002-13.pdf.jpg30-May-2016Enhancing Data Delivery with Density Controlled Clustering in Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurang; Bhavsar, Madhuri; Patel, Nitin
ITFIT002-12.pdf.jpgMar-2015Improving Energy Estimation based Clustering with Energy Threshold for Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurang; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT002-1.pdf.jpg25-Feb-2010Multi Resolution Feature Based Active Handwritten Character RecognitionRaval, Gaurang; Kotecha, K.
ITFIT002-10.pdf.jpgNov-2013Optimization of Clustering Techniques using Energy Thresholds in Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurang; Shah, Abhinav; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT002-6.pdf.jpg4-Oct-2010Optimization of Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Identical ClusteringPanchal, Shailesh; Raval, Gaurang; Pradhan, S. N.
ITFIT002-2.pdf.jpg7-May-2010Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Routing Protocol (LEACH) for Wireless Sensor NetworksPanchal, Shailesh; Raval, Gaurang; Pradhan, S. N.
ITFIT002-11.pdf.jpgJul-2014Performance Comparison of Various Clustering Techniques in Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurang; Bhavsar, Madhuri; Patel, Nitin
ITFIT002-3.pdf.jpg8-Jan-2010Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks Routing ProtocolsRaval, Gaurang; Shah, Maniel; Panchal, Keyur
ITFIT002-8.pdf.jpg8-Jan-2010Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks Routing ProtocolsRaval, Gaurang; Shah, Maniel; Panchal, Keyur
ITFIT002-4.pdf.jpg7-Sep-2010Problem Area Identification with Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor NetworksSolanki, Paresh; Raval, Gaurang; Pradhan, S. N.
ITFIT002-7.pdf.jpg7-Dec-2009Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks - A SurveySolanki, Paresh; Raval, Gaurang
ITFIT002-5.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Survey on Energy Efficient Hierarchical Routing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks – A SurveyPanchal, Shailesh; Raval, Gaurang