Browsing by Author Kothari, Vijay

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 44  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
32.pdf.jpg2010Antioxidant activity, free radical scavenging activity, phenol and flavonoid contents of Manilkara zapota and Citrus limon seedsKothari, Vijay; Pathan, Salma; Seshadri, Sriram
44.pdf.jpg2011Biological Applications of MicrowavesTrivedi, Neha; Patadia, Mohini; Kothari, Vijay
43.pdf.jpg2011Cellulosomes - A Robust Machinery for Cellulose DegradationKothari, Vijay; Surti, Parini; Kapadia, Devanshi
54.pdf.jpgJul-2012Comparative study of various methods for extraction of antioxidant and antibacterial compounds from plant seedsKothari, Vijay; Gupta, Ankit; Naraniwal, Madhu
Sarvaiya & Kothari_2015_Microbiology_offprint.pdf.jpg2015Effect of Audible Sound in Form of Music on Microbial Growth and Production of Certain Important MetabolitesSarvaiya, Niral; Kothari, Vijay
VK._2014.PDF.jpg19-Jul-2014Effect of certain natural products and organic solvents on quorumsensing in Chromobacterium violaceumKothari, Vijay; Chaudhary, Vimla; Raval, Shreya; Gosai, Haren
41.pdf.jpgAug-2011Effect of certain phytochemicals on Aeromonas hydrophilaKothari, Vijay
61.pdf.jpgJan-2013Effect of Low Power Microwave on Bacterial Growth, Protein Synthesis, and Intracellular Enzyme (Glucose-6-phosphatase and β-galactosidase) ActivityMishra, Toshi; Kushwah, Preemada; Kothari, Vijay
47.pdf.jpgJun-2012Effect of low power microwave on microbial growth, enzyme activity, and aflatoxin productionDholiya, Krunal; Patel, Dhara; Kothari, Vijay
58.pdf.jpgJan-2013Effect of Low Power Microwave Radiation on Microorganisms and other Life FormsMishra, Toshi; Kushwah, Preemada; Dholiya, Krunal; Kothari, Vijay
Raval et al_Microbiol Res 2014_VK.pdf.jpgOct-2014Effect of low power microwave radiation on pigment production in bacteriaRaval, Sherya; Chaudhari, Vimla; Gosai, Haren; Kothari, Vijay
59.pdf.jpgAug-2013Effect of Microwave Radiation on Growth, Enzyme Activity (Amylase and Pectinase), and/or Exopolysaccharide Production in Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus mutans, Xanthomonas campestris and Pectobacterium carotovoraKushwah, Preemada; Mishra, Toshi; Kothari, Vijay
24..pdf.jpg2009Effect of various solvents on bacterial growth in context of determining MIC of various antimicrobialsKothari, Vijay
45.pdf.jpgDec-2011Fractionation of Antibacterial Extracts of Syzygium cumini (Myrtaceae) SeedsKothari, Vijay; Seshadri, Sriram; Mehta, Priti
IPFP0054.pdf.jpg2011Fractionation of antibacterial extracts of Syzygium cumini (Myrtaceae) seedsKothari, Vijay; Seshadri, Sriram; Mehta, Priti J.
2011 Kothari et al., 2011.pdf.jpg2011Fractionation of antibacterial extracts of Syzygium cumini (Myrtaceae) seedsKothari, Vijay; Seshadri, Sriram; Mehta, Priti
43.pdf.jpg2011Halophilic Actinomycetes: Salt-loving FilamentsKothari, Vijay; Solanki, Priyanka
152.pdf.jpg2021Identifying the Molecular Targets of an Anti-pathogenic Hydroalcoholic Extract of Punica granatum Peel Against Multidrug-resistant Serratia marcescensJoshi, Chinmayi; Patel, Pooja; Godatwar, Pawan; Sharma, Sanjeev; Kothari, Vijay
CTBP_VK.pdf.jpgJan-2011In Vitro Antibacterial Activity in Seed Extracts of Phoenix Sylvestris Roxb (Palmae), and Tricosanthes dioica L (Cucurbieceae)Kothari, Vijay
ijei_2014_Krupali et al.PDF.jpgJan-2014In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Emblica officinalis and Tamarindus indica Seed Extracts against Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter baumanniiRamanuj, Krupali; Kothari, Vijay; Kothari, D. R.