Browsing by Author Patel, Amit N.

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFEE012-11.pdf.jpg2014CAD and FE analysis of Three Phase Induction MotorPatel, Amit N.; Thakar, Darshan U.
ITFEE012-10.pdf.jpg2014Computer Aided Design of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC (PMBLDC) Motor for Direct Drive ApplicationPatel, Amit N.; Gevaria, Biren B.
ITFEE012-4.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Design and Development of Boost ConverterJadav, Arvind A.; Patel, Amit N.; Jadav, Jayanti
ITFEE012-6.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Design of Two Phase Bipolar Microstepping Drive for Disc Rotor Type Stepper MotorPatel, Archan B.; Denpiya, K. S.; Chetwani, S. H.; Patel, Amit N.; Shah, M. K.
02MEE010.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2004Design, Development and Analysis Of Three Phase AC RegulatorPatel, Amit N.
ITFEE012-8.pdf.jpg31-May-2014Effect of Skewing on Performance of Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC MotorPatel, Amit N.; Patel, Jekisan R.
ITFEE012-2.pdf.jpgFeb-2012Identification of Various Internal Faults of Transformer Based on No-load Current AnalysisDesai, Rushi R.; Patel, Amit N.; Gupta, Vinod R.
ITFEE012-9.pdf.jpgJun-2014Influence of Different Types of Stator Slots on Torque Profile of Surface Mounted PM MotorsPatel, Amit N.; Patel, Kishan; Chauhan, Tushar
ITFEE012-1.pdf.jpg15-Dec-2011A Novel Control Technique for Fast Fault Discrimination in Crowbar ApplicationRaval, B. C.; Patel, Vinod; Patel, Amit N.
ITFEE012-3.pdf.jpgFeb-2012Simulation and Design of Low Cost Single Phase Solar InverterKapadia, Nishit; Patel, Amit N.; Kapadia, Dinesh
ITFEE012-7.pdf.jpg24-May-2014Simulation of Stator Oriented Vector Controlled Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Harnessing Wind Energy EffectivelyVadaliya, Chirag; Patel, Amit N.; Patel, Vinod
ITFEE012-5.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Simulation of Thyristorised Medium Voltage Soft Starter for Three Phase Induction Motor DrivesBrahmbhatt, Hiren; Patel, Amit N.; Patel, Vinod; Lakhani, Hiren
ITFEE009-6.pdf.jpgJan-2015Sizing and Finite Element Analysis of Switched Reluctance MotorPanchal, Tejas H.; Patel, Amit N.; Shah, Khushbu B.