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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFEE009-7.pdf.jpg18-Dec-2014An Active Interphase Transformer for 12-Pulse Rectifier System to Get the Performance Like 24-Pulse Rectifier SystemAnandpara, Milan; Panchal, Tejas H.; Patel, Vinod
ITFEE014-1.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Analysis of Series Loaded Resonant Converter for Different Conduction ModesGopiyani, Alpa; Patel, Vinod; Shah, Manisha T.
ITFEE003-46.pdf.jpg17-Feb-2017Compact Switched Mode Power Supply for Medium-Voltage DrivesModi, Ankit; Tekwani, P. N.; Patel, Vinod
ITFEE022-2.pdf.jpg14-Dec-2009Design and Simulation of Controller for Medium Voltage Thyristorised Induction Motor Soft StarterLakhani, Hiren; Patel, Vinod; Jamnani, J. G.; Jani, Swapnil
ITFEE008-14.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Design and Simulation of High Voltage DC Power Supply using ZVS Full Bridge AC-DC ConverterPandya, Jignesh; Jamnani, J. G.; Patel, Vinod
ITFIC016-4.pdf.jpg2013GSM Base Interface With Industrial Product Using Android PlatformMehta, Premal A.; Patel, Vinod; Sharma, Ankit
ITFEE024-3.pdf.jpg8-Oct-2007High Voltage Battery ChargerBhatt, Chanakya; Patel, Vinod; Sheth, Nimit
ITFEE014-8.pdf.jpg28-Jul-2010Novel Control Methods Applied to a Series Loaded Resonant ConverterGopiyani, Alpa; Patel, Vinod; Shah, Manisha T.
ITFEE012-1.pdf.jpg15-Dec-2011A Novel Control Technique for Fast Fault Discrimination in Crowbar ApplicationRaval, B. C.; Patel, Vinod; Patel, Amit N.
ITFEE014-7.pdf.jpg27-Oct-2010A Novel Half-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter for High Power DC Power SupplyGopiyani, Alpa; Patel, Vinod; Shah, Manisha T.
ITFEE003-34.pdf.jpg2011Pulse-based Dead-time Compensation Method for Selfbalancing Space Vector Pulse Width-modulated Scheme Used in a Three-level Inverter-fed Induction Motor DrivePatel, P. J.; Patel, Vinod; Tekwani, P. N.
ITFEE014-3.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Review and Comparison of Different Types of Resonant Converters for A Front-End DC-DC ConversionGopiyani, Alpa; Patel, Vinod; Shah, Manisha T.
ITFEE005-2.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Review on Online Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Used in Oil Field Pump JacksPatel, Jayendra C.; Dave, D. B.; Patel, Vinod
ITFEE001-2.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009A Simulation of AC-DC Converter Topology for 48V, 50A, vrla Battery Charger Using Phase Shifted PulsesPatel, Pushpak; Patel, U. A.; Patel, Vinod
ITFEE012-7.pdf.jpg24-May-2014Simulation of Stator Oriented Vector Controlled Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Harnessing Wind Energy EffectivelyVadaliya, Chirag; Patel, Amit N.; Patel, Vinod
ITFEE012-5.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Simulation of Thyristorised Medium Voltage Soft Starter for Three Phase Induction Motor DrivesBrahmbhatt, Hiren; Patel, Amit N.; Patel, Vinod; Lakhani, Hiren
ITFEE003-44.pdf.jpg17-Feb-2017Simulation, Design, and Analysis of Three-Level Shunt Active Harmonic Filter using T-Type NPC TopologyChudasama, Mitrajsinh; Tekwani, P. N.; Chauhan, Siddharthsingh; Patel, Vinod