Browsing by Author Shah, Hardik

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
MT000009.pdf.jpg12-Oct-2006Antecedents and Consequences of Learned Helplessness (LH) among R&D Professionals of Pharmaceutical IndustryShah, Hardik
14MECE22.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016ARM CPU Verification MethodologiesShah, Hardik
21-Mar-2023Can organization team culture benchmark effective teams – performance management concerns, insights and HR implicationsShah, Hardik
14MCEC24.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Computation Lithography Hotspot VerificationShah, Hardik
Determinants of competitiveness in Indian public sector companies an empirical study.pdf.jpg2006Determinant of Competitiveness in Indian Public Sector CompaniesSrivastava, Deepak K.; Shah, Hardik; Talha, Mohammad of Artificial Intelligence on Gig Economy: HRM ProcessShah, Hardik; Nawani, Rahul
HS_Impact of structural empowerment on organizational performance ‘empowerment – HR’ interface.pdf.jpg10-Oct-2018Impact of Structural Empowerment on Organizational Performance: ‘empowerment – HR’ InterfaceShah, Hardik; Tyagi, Pallavi
Power of words impact, concerns and applications of nonviolent communication training_26422338.pdf.jpg3-Sep-2022Power of words: impact, concerns and applications of nonviolent communication trainingShah, Hardik; Korlipara, Madhuri
TT000060.pdf.jpgOct-2017Studies on feasibility of some water quality trading aspects with end-of-pipe treatment augments: Towards enhancement of environmental performance in firms and CETPsShah, Hardik
1-Jul-2024A Study of Selected HR Practices in Managing A Multicultural Workforce: Building Diverse and Inclusive WorkplacesShah, Hardik
1-Sep-2024THDC India Ltd.—Performance Management SystemShah, Hardik
HS_Tussle to trust developing an appreciative climate_2017.pdf.jpg1-Dec-2017Tussle to trust: developing an appreciative climate for a hydro-power organisation in IndiaShah, Hardik; Jain, Shilpa Surana