Browsing by Author Thakkar, Ankit

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFIT007-7.pdf.jpg6-Dec-2012Aggregate Features Approach for Texture AnalysisPatel, Chirag; Patel, Ripal; Thakkar, Ankit
RPP_IT_2021_032.pdf.jpg2021Analyzing fusion of regularization technique in the deep learningā€based intrusion detection systemThakkar, Ankit; Lohiya, Ritika
RPP_IT_2021_002.pdf.jpg2021Application Domains, Evaluation Data Sets, and Research Challenges of IoT: A Systematic ReviewLohiya, Ritika; Thakkar, Ankit
ITFIT007-2.pdf.jpg2011Bio-inspired Based Optimized Algorithm for Cluster Head Election using RSSI and LQIThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, K.
ITFIT007-8.pdf.jpgAug-2014Cluster Head Election for Energy and Delay Constraint Applications of Wireless Sensor NetworkThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, K.
RPP_IT_2021_009.pdf.jpg2021A comprehensive survey on deep neural networks for stock market: The need, challenges, and future directionsThakkar, Ankit; Chaudhari, Kinjal
ITFIT007-4.pdf.jpgJun-2012CVLEACH: Coverage based Energy Efficient LEACH AlgorithmThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, K.
TT000021.pdf.jpgMay-2014Energy Efficient Routing with Effective Clustering Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor NetworksThakkar, Ankit
RPP_IT_2021_012.pdf.jpg2021Fusion in stock market prediction: A decade survey on the necessity, recent developments, and potential future directionsThakkar, Ankit; Chaudhari, Kinjal
ITFIT007-9.pdf.jpg2015A New Bollinger Band Based Energy Efficient Routing For Clusteredwireless Sensor NetworkThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, Ketan
ITFIT007-10.pdf.jpg2013A New Hybrid Method For Face RecognitionThakkar, Ankit; Jivani, Nimeshkumar; Padasumbiya, Jigneshkumar; Patel, Chirag I
ITFIT007-3.pdf.jpgMar-2012Object Detection and Segmentation using Local and Global PropertyPatel, Chirag I.; Patel, Ripal; Thakkar, Ankit
RPP_IT_2021_035.pdf.jpg2021Pearson Correlation Coefficient-based performance enhancement of Vanilla Neural Network for stock trend predictionThakkar, Ankit; Patel, Dhaval; Shah, Preet
ITFIT007-1.pdf.jpg28-Sep-2009Power Aware Scheduling For Adhoc Sensor Network NodesThakkar, Ankit; Pradhan, S. N.
RPP_IT_2021_019.pdf.jpg2021RGB-D based human action recognition using evolutionary self-adaptive extreme learning machine with knowledge-based control parametersPareek, Preksha; Thakkar, Ankit
RPP_IT_2021_020.pdf.jpg2021A survey on intrusion detection system: feature selection, model, performance measures, application perspective, challenges, and future research directionsThakkar, Ankit; Lohiya, Ritika
ITFIT007-5.pdf.jpg26-Oct-2012WALEACH: Weight Based Energy Efficient Advanced Leach AlgorithmThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, K.
ITFIT007-6.pdf.jpgDec-2012WCVALEACH : Weight And Coverage Based Energy Efficient Advanced Leach AlgorithmThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, K.