Dissertation, CE (DS) : [69] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 69
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2024People Identification from the CCTV FootageVyas, Prarthi
1-Jun-2024Stock Trend PredictionSoni, Dev
1-Jun-2024Abstractive Text SummarizationSodani, Tanishq
1-Jun-2024Elderly Fall Detection and trackingRajput, Vipasha
1-Jun-2024Interpretability of Diabetic Retinopathy images for EfficientNetPatel, Yashesh
1-Jun-2024Pothole Detection using Federated Learning to Enhance Road Safety for Intelligent Transportation SystemsNanavati, Harsh
1-Jun-2024Stock Trend PredictionDeep, Metaliya
1-Jun-2024Floating litter detection using remote sensing imagesManiyar, Kaushal
1-Jun-2024Classification for Land Use and Land CoverMakwana, Fenil
1-Jun-2024Stock Trend PredictionKoradiya, Sanket
1-Jun-2024Segmentation and Classification Of Mammograms For Breast Cancer DiagnosisKasodiya, Krinal
1-Jun-2024Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Facial Emotions in Deep Learning EnvironmentShristi, Jha
1-Jun-2024Deepfakes: Face Swapping and Deepfake Detection using Deep Learning TechniquesHarshkumar, Mahesh
1-Jun-2024Blockchain-based Efficient Federated Learning Framework for Pneumonia DetectionChelani, Nikita
1-Jun-2024Machine Learning Approach for Solar ForecastingBorisa, Hardik
1-Jun-2024Stock Market PredictionArora, Dhruv K.
21MCED18.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2023Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain-based Financial Fraud DetectionRaval, Jay
21MCED17.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2023Secured Communication for Autonomous Vehicles using BlockchainPatel, Shivamkumar Prakashbhai
21MCED16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2023Spoken Gujarati Language ProcessingUpadhyay, Smit
21MCED15.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2023Development of Model for the Estimation of Solar Panel Dust AccumulationUpadhyay, Rhuju
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 69