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Title: Modelling, Simulation and Altitude-Range-Analysis of Quad-copter UAV
Authors: Barve, Jayesh
Keywords: UAV
IC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 13-Mar-2014
Citation: IFAC-ACDOS, Intler National Conference on Advanced Control and Dynamic Optimization (ACODS-2014), IIT-Kanpur, Kanpur, March 13 – 15. 2014
Series/Report no.: ITFIC020-4;
Abstract: In the recent years UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) having quad-rotor helicopter or quad-copter configuration have been receiving increasing attention amongst the global researchers due to its wide-range of applications such assurveillance formilitary, civilian and disaster management. This paper presents our work on the mathematical modeling, simulation and a novel study hereby called as the Altitude-Range-Analysis (ARA). The ARA covers an interestingand useful study of finding the feasible altitude-ranges or limits for the given quad-copter machine considering different parameters like payload-weight,rotor-thrust,reference altitude positions etc. This ARA study is carried out using a matlab-based simulator for the quad-rotor helicopter. The simulator is developed based on the popularly used momentum and blade-theory mathematical models, available in the published literature, with certain modifications to account for air-density variations. These results are also presented and discussed.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, E&I

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