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dc.contributor.authorJoshi, S. J.-
dc.contributor.authorVerma, Vikas-
dc.contributor.authorSivakkumar, R.-
dc.identifier.citationNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE 2008), November 27-29, 2008en
dc.descriptionNUCONE-2008; Page No. 11-14en
dc.description.abstractCrankshaft & Connecting Rod are the two critical components of Internal Combustion Engine as both are the critically loaded & experience cyclic loads in the form of bending and torsion during their service life. This paper represents the structural analysis of crankshaft & connecting rod by considering the dynamic forces. Dynamic forces calculation is carried out for every crank angle & maximum of this force is used as boundary conditions for the finite element analysis. Structural Analysis was done using Hypermesh 8.0 & Optistruct 8.0 as a tool for FEA. Graphs are plotted for the variation of force with the crank angle. Different plots for stress & deformation under loading conditions were plotted .The stresses at the critical locations were found out to be within the permissible limits.en
dc.publisherExcel India Publishersen
dc.subjectMechanical Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleFinite Element Analysis Of Crankshaft & Connecting Rod Of Internal Combustion Enginesen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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