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Title: Finite Element Analysis Of Crankshaft & Connecting Rod Of Internal Combustion Engines
Authors: Joshi, S. J.
Verma, Vikas
Sivakkumar, R.
Keywords: Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Excel India Publishers
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE 2008), November 27-29, 2008
Abstract: Crankshaft & Connecting Rod are the two critical components of Internal Combustion Engine as both are the critically loaded & experience cyclic loads in the form of bending and torsion during their service life. This paper represents the structural analysis of crankshaft & connecting rod by considering the dynamic forces. Dynamic forces calculation is carried out for every crank angle & maximum of this force is used as boundary conditions for the finite element analysis. Structural Analysis was done using Hypermesh 8.0 & Optistruct 8.0 as a tool for FEA. Graphs are plotted for the variation of force with the crank angle. Different plots for stress & deformation under loading conditions were plotted .The stresses at the critical locations were found out to be within the permissible limits.
Description: NUCONE-2008; Page No. 11-14
ISBN: 978-81-907196-8-1
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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