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Title: Stress Distribution Around Oval Shaped Hole In Finite Laminated Plate Subjected To In-Plane Loading
Authors: Chauhan, Mihir
Sharma, Dharmendra
Keywords: Boundary Collocation Method
Finite Plate
Laminated Composite Plate
Stress Analysis
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering (CAE-2013), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras, India, December 19 - 21, 2013
Series/Report no.: ITFME025-7;
Abstract: In the present study, an attempt is made to find the stress distribution around oval shaped hole in finite composite plate subjected to in-plane loading. Muskhelishvili’s complex variable approach along with the least square boundary collocation method is employed to obtain the solution. A conformal mapping function is used to map the oval shape in finite region onto the unit circle. Uniaxial and equi-biaxial in-plane loading are considered to obtain the stress field around the hole. Effect of size of plate, material properties, stacking sequence etc. are studied and presented. Comparison with the FEA solution is also presented for some cases.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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