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Title: Verification & Debugging Challenges In The Scalable Low-Power IP Subsystems
Authors: Shah, Naishal
Keywords: EC 2015
Project Report
Project Report 2015
EC Project Report
VLSI 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MECV25;
Abstract: Due to advancement in VLSI technology, transistors have been scaled down a lot incorporating more complex design in single System on Chip (SoC). As the complexity of designs increases, verification emerges as a dominant step concerned with time and cost in the development of a system-on-chip. Increased design complexity mandates the need for functional verification. The bug that is found at early level of abstraction will reduce the total cost incurred on a single chip so 70 % of the time is devoted in verifying the design. Aim of the project is to build a scalable verification infrastructure and verification component to meet the verification challenges faced during verification process and to increase the timing efficiency of the Verification Engineer in debugging. While verifying a complex design, many debugging challenges will be faced by a verification engineer. This report tries to discuss some of the verification and debugging challenges, faced during verification of a complex design and strategy to overcome this challenges.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (VLSI)

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