Browsing by Subject CAD/CAM 2005

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
05MME015.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Analysis of High Temperature Lead Lithium Heat Exchanger with Internal Heat Generation in 2D and 3DSavekar, Sachin Satappa
05MME005.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Computer Aided Analysis of Wind Turbine ComponentsDesai, Devang H.
05MME003.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Design and Analysis of a Propeller Shaft Center Bearing Bracket Using CAESoni, Brijesh Kumar
05MME010.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Design and Development of Swiral Tube for Critical Heat Flux ApplicationsMadhak, Mayur Arvindbhai
05MME017.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Design and Optimization for Thermal Hydraulics for High Heat Flux and High Frequency ComponentsSahu, Shishir Kumar
05MME014.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Design and Optimization of Plasma TorchPujari, Pradip G.
05MME018.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Evolution of Empirical Relationship Between High Level Design Parameters with Performance Criteria of a Ladder Type Chassis FrameTiwari, Sourabh
05MME008.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Fatigue Analysis of Composite StructuresJunankar, Ashish Subhash
05MME001.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Finite Element Analysis and Design Optimization of a Critical Component (Moving Platen) of a Plastic Injection Molding MachineTomar, Abhishek
05MME006.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Finite Element Analysis and Design Optimization of a Critical Component (Stationary Platen) of a Plastic Injection Molding MachineShukla, Dhirendra
05MME011.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Finite Element Analysis and Design Optimization of a Typical Structural Component of a Plastic Injection Molding MachineMakwana, Nrupendrasinh S.
05MME012.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Arm and Boom of ExcavatorPatel, Bipin N.
05MME016.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Functionality and Usability Improvements for NX: Super PointShinde, Shrikant Hanumant
05MME009.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Rotomolding Technology: Design of Insulated Box and Composite MoldKanjia, Vijay K.
05MME013.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Statis Structure Analysis of Reciprocating Gas Compressor Cylinder Through FemPatel, Snehal
05MME002.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Structural Analysis of the Components of Vertical Machining Centre (VMC - 640v)Acharya, Rupa P.
05MME007.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Study of Strain Pattern in Deep Drawn Square Aluminum CupJethva, Dhaval
05MME019.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Study the Effect of Blank Holding Force on Deep Drawing of Aluminum Alloy Square CupNishad, Sunil Kumar
05MME004.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Tolerance Stack Up Analysis and Simulation Using Visualization VSAChavan, Harshal A.