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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFEC010-18.pdf.jpgNov-2014Design and Implementation of 2-Axis Circular Interpolation Controller in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machines and RoboticsSaifee, Mufaddal A.; Mehta, Usha
ITFEC010-19.pdf.jpgSep-2014Design And Implementation Of 3-Axis Linear Interpolation Controller In Fpga For CNC Machines And RoboticsSaifee, Mufaddal A.; Mehta, Usha
ITFIT001-1.pdf.jpg2006Design and Implementation Of Gaussian Random Number Genrator in FPGA for Fixed-Point ArchitecturePradhan, S. N.; Patel, Rutul
ITFEC010-2.pdf.jpg30-Nov-2006Design and Implementation of Sigma Delta DACMehta, Usha; Patel, Jayesh
ITFIC019-2.pdf.jpg14-Nov-2014Gigabit Ethernet Based Image Acquisition System for IR CameraMandaliya, Hitesh; Tandon, Anuradha; Shah, Jalpa; Rajpal, Rachna
ITFEC024-4.pdf.jpgDec-2012Implementation of Data Compression Algorithms on FPGA using Soft-core ProcessorSavani, Vijay G.; Bhatasana, Piyush M.; Mecwan, Akash I.
ITFEC030-7.pdf.jpg2016Implementation of Edge Detection Algorithm on FPGA using Hardware Software Co-SimulationFataniya, Bhupendra; Mecwan, Akash; Shah, Dhaval
ITFEC028-2.pdf.jpg26-Nov-2015Implementation of Edge Detection Algorithms in Real Time on FPGAShukla, Ami; Patel, Vibha; Gajjar, Nagendra
IDFEC002-1.pdf.jpg30-Nov-2006Implementation of FIR Filter using Soft core Processor on FPGAPatel, Jayesh; Gajjar, N. P.
04mce013_final.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Implementation of Hardware Simulator in FPGA for X-Ray Dectection PayloadPatel, Rutul
ITFEC025-11.pdf.jpg28-Nov-2013Implementation of OFDM Transceiver on FPGAMecwan, Akash I.; Shah, Dhaval G.
ITFEC030-4.pdf.jpg26-Apr-2014Implementation of SOBEL Edge Detector on FPGA Using System GeneratorFataniya, Bhupendra; Trivedi, Pratik
ITFEC025-9.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Implementation of Software Defined Radio on FPGAMecwan, Akash I.; Gajjar, Nagendra
ITFEC004-2.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Scalable LEON 3 based SoC for Multiple Floating Point OperationsGajjar, Nagendra; Devahsrayee, N. M.; Dasgupta, K. S.
ITFEC024-3.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Single Event Upset Mitigation Techniques Implementation Based on TMRSavani, Vijay G.; Mecwan, Akash I.; Gajjar, Nagendra